Discover how Ice Pigging boosted Naperville’s force mains by over 300 GPM, improving flow and pump performance. Speakers Tony Conn (City of Naperville) and Paul Treloar (American Pipeline Solutions) showcase this innovative pipeline cleaning method, used in 500+ projects across 44 states, cleaning 1,100+ miles of pipes. APS is the sole provider of Ice Pigging for utility systems nationwide.
Naperville, IL, managed their declining sewer system flow rates in one day using the innovative Ice Pigging technology, only offered by APS in North America. This method restored 2,203 feet of force main, boosting flow rates by over 300 GPM and improving efficiency at two lift stations. With around a 20% increase in flow rates and reduced pump run times, the project showcased how precision and innovation can transform challenges into lasting successes.
In Naperville, IL, the city improved the efficiency of its wastewater system by using foam pigging technology on its force mains. Partnering with APS, the city removed debris and scale, while increasing pump performance by 7908 gallons per minute, reducing pump times by almost an hour per day. This proactive maintenance not only reduced energy costs, but also increased Naperville’s infrastructure lifespan.
Newport Rhode Island’s Long Wharf Force main experienced major inefficiencies due to sediment and grease build-up. APS cleared the obstructions using Foam Pigging, increasing the C-Factor from 90 to 117. This successful project highlights the importance of periodic maintenance, ensuring long-term reliability and reduced repair costs.
In De Soto, Kansas, APS restored a 2-mile, 16-inch pipeline using SmartFoam pigs with Eddy Current sensors to map anomalies and assess its condition, saving the city over $40 million. Verification digs confirmed the flagged areas were structurally sound, emphasizing the value of regular pipeline maintenance.
The inspection process in this video highlights the importance of knowing valve types to select the best method. The SmartFoam tool, adaptable to 1D bends and capable of compressing up to 40%, was used to inspect a 20-year-old ductile iron pipe (DIP) force main for anomalies. This included a two-step approach: traditional pigging for cleaning followed by the SmartFoam tool equipped with electromagnetic sensors. The inspection revealed most of the pipeline was in good condition, with minor anomalies requiring further evaluation.
In Gordonville, Texas, the APS team uses Ice Pigging™ to resolve issues in the water main. Using the advanced technologies that Ice Pigging™ has to offer. Ice Pigging™ utilizes a semi-solid material of slurry which flows like a liquid but forms a solid pig within the pipe. This has many benefits for the cleaning process: high shear, drought-friendly, and overall more effective and gentle solution than UDF. This is a detailed video with the different steps in the Ice Pigging™ process!
i2iPipelines is a sensor technology company based in Manchester, UK, with a global presence through local service providers. They specialize in developing innovative smart pigs for in-line pipeline inspections. Their sensors are designed to inspect various pipeline materials, including steel, ductile iron, stainless steel, and non-metallic pipes like fiberglass and HDPE, with a diameter of 3 inches and up. i2iPipelines primarily operates in the oil and gas sector but is expanding into city utility pipeline networks. Several successful case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of their SmartFoam technology in inspecting pipelines with complex configurations, multi-diameter lines, and non-metallic components. i2iPipelines also offers the flexibility to include additional sensors, such as cameras, sonar, calipers, and advanced IMUs, based on the specific inspection requirements.
In Bethesda, Maryland, the APS team helps a large apartment complex that has failed many fire flow tests. With the goal of restoring the pipes to the original flow rate, APS removed the tuberculation and cleaned the pipe. The client thought that the only way to fix the flow issues was with pipe replacement, but the APS approach was quick and effective with minimal disruption to the tenants in the apartment complex.
In Savannah, Georgia, APS cleaned two 12 inch forcemains; one over two miles long and the other over three miles long. Built between 1985 and 1986, the forcemains were exhibiting overflow and very high pressure. APS had the goal of not only cleaning the forcemains but also restoring their original flow capacity and lowering the pressure. This video explains the project, the tools used, and the pigging process.
In Puerto Rico, APS cleaned and coated over 35 three-inch and four-inch cast iron risers. With rust and tuberculation creating blockages, the client faced the expensive and timely possibility of replacing their existing equipment. Instead, APS offered solutions for cleaning and coating the pipeline with minimal downtime and at a fraction of the cost of replacement.
In this informative video, the benefits of Ice Pigging™ are explained. Over time, drinking water pipes accumulate sediment, biofilm, iron, manganese, and trihalomethanes, which can affect water quality. As one of the leading technologies in preventative maintenance, Ice Pigging™ is an excellent solution for a more effective, gentle, cleaning.
In this webinar, Paul Treloar discusses the award-winning technology behind Ice Pigging™. American Pipeline Solutions is the only company in the United States that conducts this innovative type of cleaning, and in this video, the process is clearly explained. Ice Pigging™ utilizes a semi-solid material of slurry which flows like a liquid but forms a solid pig within the pipe. This has many benefits for the cleaning process: high shear, drought-friendly, and overall more effective and gentle solution than UDF. Although the technology is cutting-edge, there are a few limitations that are discussed in the video.
This video discusses the advantages of using Ice Pigging™ as a pipe-cleaning technique compared to traditional water flushing. Over time, drinking water pipes accumulate sediment, biofilm, iron, manganese, and trihalomethanes, which can affect water quality. Flushing, the conventional method, involves releasing water at high velocities to remove sediment, but it has limitations, including water wastage and inefficiency in removing all contaminants. Ice Pigging™, on the other hand, uses a slush ice or ice slurry injected into the pipes. The ice crystals effectively scour the pipe walls, carrying away sediment and contaminants as they flow through the system. Ice Pigging™ provides significantly higher shear power on pipe walls compared to water flushing, even at slower velocities. It results in up to 70% less water wastage and superior cleaning efficacy.
In October 2022, American Pipeline Solutions was hired by a New York City medical facility to address water quality issues. The facility had experienced water discoloration and taste problems in eleven locations on its upper floors due to stagnant water in pipelines during a year-long shutdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Traditional flushing methods were ineffective, leading to the decision to use Ice Pigging™ technology. APS conducted a pre-project study and used Ice Pigging™ to clean the affected pipelines, ranging from 0.5" to 8" in diameter. Four 10-ton loads of ice slurry were used for the job. The process successfully removed biofilm, iron, and sediment buildup, reducing the risk of contamination and improving future maintenance efficiency.
Pipeline maintenance is essential to ensure the proper functioning of a pipeline system. One crucial aspect of pipeline maintenance is inspection. While traditional camera inspections provide limited information, American Pipeline Solutions offers a more comprehensive Smart Pig inspection process. This process begins with cleaning the pipeline using a foam poly-pig. Above-ground monitors track the Smart Pig's journey, and a quality assurance check is performed before launching the pig into the pipeline. Afterward, data collected by the Smart Pig is downloaded and undergoes another quality check.