Pipeline Pigging Problems & How to Address Them

There are many advantages associated with pipeline pigging. Additionally, in many instances, pipeline pigging is utilized when pre-commissioning or decommissioning a pipeline is needed. Companies like American Pipeline Solutions use pigs to clean out debris, water, or oil and execute corrective or preventive maintenance. 

Without pigging, many pipelines would degrade, environmental issues would arise, and water quality would be affected (municipal water lines), thus endangering the lives of many. However, there are pigging limitations and problems can occur with pipeline pigging. 

Many challenges are associated with foam pigs, ice pigs, mechanical pigs, and the other commonly used pigging types. These challenges could result in expensive problems or prevent a pigging procedure from getting underway. 

Since pigging is crucial to pipeline maintenance and repair, it’s important that pigging pipeline problems are addressed. In our article, we will examine the question, “Why do pigs get stuck in the pipeline?” and discuss the possible solutions to common pipeline problems. 

What Are the Three Common Pipeline Pigging Problems?

There are other pigging issues besides pigs getting stuck in a pipeline. Below, we will discuss this common problem and two others you need to be aware of if you’re considering using a pigging method. 

1. Pigs Getting Stuck In a Pipeline

Although pigs getting stuck in a pipeline is rare in this modern day and age, it does happen often enough with certain pig types to be a common problem. If a pig has failed to reach its destination and complete its job, there is often a logical reason for it. 

For example, some of the reasons for a pig getting stuck include faults with the pipeline, lack of propellant pressure, an obstruction like a closed valve in front of a pig, and leakage from a faulty pipe connection. 

Additionally, a pig could also get stuck if worn or damaged, or the incorrect pig for the type of pipeline being serviced. 

How Is This Pigging Problem Addressed? 

To address a pigging problem like this, it’s best to consider preventative measures like choosing an experienced pigging company like American Pipeline Solutions for your pipeline pigging needs. An experienced and professional pigging company has the skills and knowledge to complete a pipeline pigging project. 

In addition, the issue of pigs getting stuck in a pipeline can be avoided if routine maintenance is completed and if a worn or damaged pig is never used.

2. Pigs That Cannot Travel Both Directions or Navigate Sharp Bends

Many pigs cannot travel in both directions or navigate sharp bends. This is a problem for pipeline cleaning projects with sharp bends as effective product recovery rates cannot be achieved, meaning a pipeline cannot be cleaned properly. 

One directional pigs are not efficient. This is because they can involve complex return loops that require operators to manually remove the pig and return it to its proper housing after completing a project. This is often incredibly time-consuming, but it also poses a significant risk to operator safety. One directional pigs are also not sanitary, which poses risks of its own.

Additionally, problems can occur when a pig is unable to navigate a bend. This is especially true when pipeline maintenance or repair needs to be done on complex piping at industrial sites that have bends. Pigs that are unable to navigate bends cannot achieve a good recovery rate, which makes the pigging solution less effective overall. 

How Is This Pigging Problem Addressed? 

Generally, this pigging problem can be addressed by utilizing pipeline pigging products and equipment that is suitable for bends and complex pipeline systems. 

For example, Ice Pigging™ could be utilized instead of less effective traditional pigging methods. At American Pipeline Solutions, we have an array of pigging options available that are ideal for pipelines with bends while ensuring excellent recovery rates. 

3. Pig Product Bypass Issues

Another common problem is product bypass problems that occur from utilizing pigs that feature assembled pieces like caps and fins. Often when pigs with caps, fins, or other assembled pieces are used, it is almost impossible to guarantee effective cleaning between these assembled pieces in a pipeline. 

Assembled pieces like fins on pigs will allow a small amount of product to get past, and throughout the project, this could cause a build-up. When significant build-up occurs, it causes a significant problem because it can considerably hamper product recovery rates. 

In addition, another issue with using pigs with fins or other assembled parts is that they are usually far more likely to have parts break or rip off. When this occurs, contamination issues could arise. 

Moreover, pigs with assembled parts are often not as robust as other pigging types, which means they might need to be replaced more often, and this could drive up costs on maintenance or repair pipeline pigging projects. 

How Is This Pigging Problem Addressed? 

Generally, these issues can be addressed by ensuring the pigging on your pipelines is not completed with pigs with assembled parts like fins and caps. Instead, a pipeline pigging company should opt to use one-piece pigs with a full-contact design that are more versatile and robust. 

Speak With a Professional from American Pipeline Solutions Today

Now you know the common pipeline pigging problems and how they can be addressed. If you want your pipeline maintained or repaired, you should consider pipeline pigging to prevent or counteract these issues. At American Pipeline Solutions, we can help you with your pipeline pigging needs. To speak to one of our pigging professionals, you can contact us here.


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